I am here and now because of you
You’re the reason I do what I do
Like a phantom when you call me I’ll be there
Any time that I am around you shouldn’t fear
Because of you…
That’s what I do
(come on come on) Because of you…
I’m a true believer
I’m a true believer
I’m with you through the night
You’re my inspiration in life
I’m a true believer
So don’t give up the fight
You’re my inspiration in life
I’m a true believer
Give me give me everything you got
You and I can take it to the top
Like two superheroes we can save the day
Let the music take us somewere far away
Because of you…
That’s what I do
(come on come one) Because of you…
I’m a true believer
I’m a true believer
I’m with you through the night
You’re my inspiration in life
I’m a true believer
So don’t give up the fight
You’re my inspiration in life
I’m a true believer
I’m with you through the night
You’re my inspiration in life
I’m a true believer
I’m with you through the night
You’re my inspiration in life
I’m a true believer
So don’t give up the fight
You’re my inspiration in life
I’m a true believer
Musik av E-type
Text av E-type och Savan Kotecha.
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