
I will sure survive the night, the world’s asleep when I come alive
I make a run towards the citylight, it always keeps me on the right side

I will sure survive the night, the world’s asleep when I come alive
I make a run towards the citylight, it always keeps me on the right side
When we come alive
We never stop – we won’t give in
When we come alive
We keep it up until we win

The time is now
We won’t back down
When we stand united we can save the day – eurofighter
It’s now – we’re back in town
We can do whatever dance the night away

Deep inside made up my mind, I won’t back down cause time tell me now
I’m on the road this is me you know, and I am sure I’ll get there somehow
When we come alive
We never stop – we won’t give in
When we come alive
We keep it up until we win

The time is now
We won’t back down
When we stand united we can save the day – eurofighter
It is now – we’re back in town
We can do whatever dance the night away


We can all save the night
When we come alive
United we stand

I will sure survive the night, the world’s asleep when I come alive
I make a run towards the citylight, it always keeps me on the right side
The time is now
We won’t back down
When we stand united we can save the day – eurofighter
It’s now – we’re back in town
We can do whatever dance the night away



Musik av E-type
Text av E-type och Anna Nordell.
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